The Catholic Care for Children Project has started involving the grassroot structures of the Department of Social Welfare to strengthen the pillar of preventing family separation through strengthened gatekeeping mechanism. This has been done through the involvement of the “Community Welfare Assistant Committees” (CWAC) in the districts where the project has presence. The CWACs are the lower-level sub-structures of the government under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) operating at the level of the community. The CWACs work as volunteers helping Government to identify vulnerable families in the communities for different social protection services offered by the government such as Social Cash Transfer (SCT). The Social Cash Transfer is the Government Social Protection Scheme aimed at empowering the vulnerable communities with cash every month for their sustenance.
Physical address
Zambia Association of Sisterhoods
Plot no: 441 A Kaleya Ro
Our Secretary General
Phone No: 0978521447
Tel No: 211293693
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