LATEST Kalundu Study Centre welcomes new students for Leadership and Formation Course - Class of 2024 ...... ZAS Orients Sisters trained in Social Work with Support from GHR Foundation to help in the implementation of Counselling activities under the Catholic Care for Children in Zambia (CCCZ) Project



From the (provisional/ working) mandate of the National ZAS JPIC Committee

The Committee is mandated: “to form and foster consciousness and commitment to justice, peace and integrity of creation in the general public and among member congregations”

Consequently, the responsibilities flowing from the above mandate, are thus defined:

“The National Committee for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of Zambia Association of Sisterhoods (ZAS-JPIC Committee): (informed by feedback and inputs from local ZAS branches), identifies and brings issues of social, political and eco-justice to the attention of the public and of all member congregations; coordinates with the local ZAS branches for concerted action for integral justice; advocates for social, political and eco-justice by lobbying relevant stakeholders; builds collaborative networks with other like-minded groups working for justice, such as Caritas; fosters Committee members’ ongoing capacity-building skills, in order to ensure continuity in the projects undertaken; meets once every two months for ongoing programming and evaluation; presents an annual report at the ZAS Annual General Meeting (AGM).

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